Niepokojacy post w sprawie filmu
(Wiadomość utworzona zbyt dawno temu. Odpowiedź niemożliwa.)
2007-08-25 21:40:31 UTC
Nieoficjalny post z forum Haven.
Nie wiem co powiedziec, pocieszajace jest ze to nie oficjalna
informacja, ale tylko tyle.
I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread for this or not because its
not in published reports, but I want people to read it, so anyway, here
My husband has an acquaintance who works for Fox in the greenlighting
department. Previously, after my incessant begging, he had spoken with
him to ask about the X-Files film and he said it hadn't been discussed
yet. This was in the spring. Well, I've been begging him to AGAIN ask
about another X-Files film, but my husband was hesitant because he
didn't want to seem like he was using this guy to just get X-Files
information for his obsessed wife. Well, luck would have it that the Fox
person actually called up my husband yesterday for something else, and
hubby, well-trained, brought up the movie.
AND...without further ado...he said that they HAVE discussed the next
X-Files film in a number of production meetings, and currently they are
"discussing the numbers" (cost), and the release date will likely be in
a year and a half!!!! My husband said that he sounded pretty confident
that the film will go through. And for bonus info, his friend offered up
the information that Fox had discussed a second film much sooner after
the first one came out, except the actors (he mentioned both David and
Gillian) had asked for too much money. My hubby works for greenlighting
at Sony Pictures and mentioned that Fox works very differently than
Sony...its much more a business where everything comes down to the
numbers, while Sony execs sometimes "go with their gut" (and hence, Fox
is monetarily more successful than Sony)...and my hubby also mentioned
to his friend that I mentioned to him that its so frustrating that Fox
hasn't said anything one way or the other about the film, and he said
that that is pretty much Fox's policy...they don't comment one way or
the other about things because they don't want to be caught with their
pants down.
2007-09-11 23:07:22 UTC
Na imdb.com/title/tt0443701/ jest podany 2009 rok ogolnie, wiec to by
sie zgadzalo z ta informacja nieoficjalna z forum, ze film powstanie do
poltora roku (choc nie jestem pewien czy taka data na imdb nie byla od
poczatku). Cos wszyscy milcza ostatnio, mam nadzieje, ze to tylko cisza
przed burza (choc jakos trudno mi tez uwierzyc, ze tyle czasu wytwornia
negocjuje, ustala budzet filmu).
